Sunday, January 11, 2004

Ahh Movie Awards That I Like

CHUD - Cinematic Happenings Under Development

Everybody else gives out hopelessly meaningless awards if they happen to have seen a lot of movies this year, so why not me? The year has been a bizarre mix of the who-gives-a-shits? and the oh-God-will-Hollywood-PLEASE-make-a-movie-not-by-committee?, but still, there were a handful of movies that fired on all or some cylinders, so I figured I’d trot these awards out again – started at Fandom a long time ago in memory of the “flame” nickname somebody hit me with on an AICN talkback back when I wrote stuff for them. Take all of this as merely opinion and an opinion that would likely be altered in one way or another at some other point in the year or after I’ve had more time to think about the flicks I’ve seen more recently. There are some films I haven’t yet seen, unfortunately (only 120+ films are represented here – nowhere near the 248 in competition for Oscar nominations – with sad exceptions such as The Company, The Girl With the Pearl Earring and others I haven't seen yet), but whatev – I did my best.

- if you're looking for one of the more unique voices on the internet for all things film - check out my friend, Smilin' Jack Ruby's, list of awards. You won't regret it!

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